Iron Deficiency Treatment
Feel better and regain your energy with Iron Infusions. This fast and effective treatment helps restore healthy iron levels and improve your well-being.
Replenish Your Iron Levels & Restore Your Energy
Iron deficiency is a common condition that can lead to persistent fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and a range of other health concerns that may affect your daily life. If you're experiencing these symptoms, you're in the right place. Left untreated, low iron levels can impact your overall well-being and make it difficult to stay active and focused. Fortunately, effective treatment options, such as iron infusions, are available to quickly restore your iron levels, boost your energy, and help you feel like yourself again.
Signs & Symptoms of Iron Deficiency:
Fatigue and low energy
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Pale skin
Frequent headaches
Shortness of breath
Brittle nails
Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy
Pregnancy increases the body's demand for iron, making expectant mothers more susceptible to iron deficiency. Low iron levels during pregnancy can lead to complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and excessive fatigue. If you're pregnant and experiencing symptoms of iron deficiency, an iron infusion may be the best solution to restore your iron levels safely.
Book an Iron Infusion Consultation
If you're struggling with iron deficiency and need an effective treatment, book a consultation below
Book an Iron Infusion Follow-Up
For patients wanting to follow-up after their Iron Infusion and determine if follow-up bloodwork is required to track their iron.
Post Iron Infusion Care Instructions
Please note it may take up to 90 days to feel the effects of the infusion.
Please discontinue taking your oral iron for 7 days immediately post iron IV and then continue as instructed by your healthcare provider.
Excess iron will be excreted through the urine, this may present as dark urination after your infusion. There may be a risk of reaction when starting a new medication, let your prescribing practitioner or pharmacist know that you have recently had an iron infusion.
Flu like symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, mild fever, chills, muscle or joint pains, sore throat, can start one to two days after your infusion and can last up to 2 to 3 days. You can manage this at home as you normally would for flu like symptoms with hydration, rest, and ibuprofen or Tylenol. Mild pain, redness and swelling in the local area where the needle and catheter were inserted, are rare but would also be considered a mild side effect.
A mild hypersensitivity reaction can look like flushing of the skin, headache, Gl upset (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), muscle or joint pains, metallic taste, increased anxiety, skin itchiness, slight chest tightness, skin rash or hives and can be managed with an over the counter anti-histamine like Claritin or Benadryl, topical skin moisturizers, topical antihistamine or over the counter low dose hydrocortisone cream to control areas of the skin that are itching and disrupting your daily activities.
There are no restrictions on activity post infusion, do what you feel comfortable doing.
Seek immediate help from the Emergency Department if you experience the following signs or symptoms:
difficulty breathing or feel short of breath
chest pain or palpitations/ fast heart rate
swelling in your face, lips, or throat
rash, itching, fever, chills, dizziness, weakness, sweating - IF combined with a reaction associated with another organ system (respiratory, cardiac).
Let them know that you recently had an iron infusion and could be experiencing a reaction. Wait 4 weeks after your iron infusion before checking iron levels, otherwise you may get a false high result.